Yenra : Catholic Prayers : Blessings Upon You

Recommended Book: First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians - Kindle Edition (get Kindle app for phone) (paid link)

Blessings upon you,
upon those you love
and those you shall never know.

Blessings upon your steps
and upon the vision of your eyes.

Blessings upon your health,
and the descendants many
who fall from your branches
who are the fruits of your love.

Blessings upon you in all circumstances;
joy and sorrow,
for wisdom rests in them,
twin experiences with different faces.

Blessings be upon what lies before you,
the sun, mostly unseen
the challenges and decisions
the pain and the relief.

Blessings upon you, my dearest friend.

Submitted to Catholic Prayers on January 30, 1996 by Margaret A. Davidson.

© 1996 by Margaret A. Davidson, All Rights Reserved