Search Positioning Firms - Yenra

Search engine optimization resources

Internet Marketing And Search Engine Positioning - A "Do It Yourself" Guide - The vast majority of web sites that exist today are owned and managed without major marketing budgets or Venture capital backing. These types of web sites form the pillars of Internet revolution. This book is specifically targeted to help these kinds of web sites to grow and prosper in the age of the Internet. The book deals with very specific and cost effective techniques to increase web traffic for web sites that have zero or very little marketing budgets. This carefully researched guide includes a step by step approach to search engine positioning, and to utilizing the cost effective resources on the Internet. You do not need millions of dollars or technology savvy programmers to be part of this exciting opportunity in cyberspace. You need not have knowledge of HTML to increase your web traffic.

Search Engine Positioning - Search Engine Positioning is a hybrid web marketing and technical HTML title for experienced webmasters who are responsible for improving and increasing the traffic to a company's web site. According to IMT Strategies, "search engines create more awareness about web sites than all advertising combined including banners, newspapers, TV, and radio." In 1999 web traffic grew by 300%, and Internet commerce is expected to grow exponentially through 2002 with worldwide sales approaching $60 billion and business-to-business sales in excess of $300 billion. As web pages proliferate , companies must implement more aggressive search engine optimization strategies to complement advertising and marketing efforts. Search Engine Positioning provides not only the marketing insight into improving a web site, but the technical nuances of optimizing HTML to increase web traffic for higher visibility and increased sales. The CD includes a trial version of WebPosition Gold.

Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind - Positioning, a concept developed by the authors, has changed the way people advertise. The reason? It's the first concept to deal with the problems of communicating in an overcommunicated society. With this approach, a company creates a 'position' in the prospect's mind, one that reflects the company's own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of its competitors. Witty and fast-paced, this book spells out how to position a leader so that it gets into the mind and stays there, position a follower in a way that finds a 'hole' not occupied by the leader, and avoid the pitfalls of letting a second product ride on the coattails of an established one. Revised to reflect significant developments in the five years since its original publication, Positioning reveals the fascinating case histories and anecdotes behind the campaigns of many stunning successes and failures in the world of advertising.