Yenra : Catholic Prayers : My Inheritance

Recommended Book: First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians - Kindle Edition (get Kindle app for phone) (paid link)

Lord, I was lost, but now am found. It is only when You reminded me that I am an adopted Child of God and a heir of heaven, You, the Alpha and Omega of my life. Too long have I wandered not knowing who I am or where I am going. It was only by your grace that you reminded me of who I am. So each day now, O Lord, I start with "I am a child of God and an heir of Heaven." I am no longer an orphan with no place to go. By living each day as a child of God, I will, at the end of my journey, arrive in my Father's house where I will receive my inheritance. Amen

Submitted to Catholic Payers by
Rocco Tripodi on November 20, 1999
Copyright 1999, Rocco Tripodi